FAQs Safe access to YouTube content

I need to access YouTube videos and educational sites for lessons, how can I do this quickly and safely through a web content filtering system?

It is important to have a secure web content filtering system in place which prevents children and adults from accessing inappropriate sites and OFSTED will be looking for this as part of e-safety compliance.  However, it is also important to empower authorised teachers and support staff to adjust access when required for the duration of lessons or other activities.

We provide a simple to use filtering system that places the control in-house, so the school are not only able to be more responsive to any issues by blocking access, with support given by us where required, they can also increase the use of ICT in lessons and assemblies at the drop of a hat, very simply and without waiting for several days for sites to be unblocked externally.

Having liaised with many teachers we have found that this process is not as resource intensive as it may at first appear. In fact, teachers have found it has been more convenient, simple to use and saves time when they are in control, thus supporting lesson planning.

If you would like further information about how you can benefit from this system please visit our 'school intenet services' section or contact our education team who will be happy to talk with you: sales@ncitech.co.uk.



"I often get requests to help schools with their E-Safety provision. NCI's E-Safety resources are valuable, comprehensive and easy to access. I will certainly recommend that the professionals I advise look carefully at them in future and I have already included a link to them on the E-Safety area of my school's website."

Chris Wild
Constantine School